Sunday, June 28, 2009

MARCH 2009: A visit from some special people!

OK! i'm playing catch-up again. March was fun in that it brought us a visit from Gr. and Gr. C! They came during a spring break visit and the kids were able to watch grandpa play some church ball with daddy and we also had a fun time going bowling. The weather was bad, so the kids' sports games were cancelled which was a dissapointment because it's not every weekend that grandma and grandpa can come and watch.

Emma bowling

Cami bowlingGrandpa bowlingGrandma and Will

after the weekend storm, we had a beautiful day on monday and walked to the park and played. we had a great game of 4-square and also had fun swinging on the swings. Zach went down a slide that was wet with rain before we had the chance to stop him, thus the diaper dandy! here's a few pictures of our outing:

Playing 4-square

Cami and Zach having fun at the swings

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