Friday, February 29, 2008

Lost and Found

Over the last few months, we have lost a number of things. The most important thing being our digital camera! In addition, we have lost a remote...also very important! Then, there are the usual things like shoes, brushes, homework, cleets, soccer balls, water bottles, etc... In the course of all these "losts" we have actually made some interesting finds, but i need to back up and set this up.

Zach. Not sure if i really need to say more, but over the last month, i have found things in really odd places! Not to mention that i've walked past the garbage can and done a double-take and then proceeded to remove water bottles or sippy cups or bowls, and even a shoe or two!!! We've been forced to lock the trash can in the laundry room (which by the way has a child lock that Zach now knows how to open himself!) So anyway, when our camera went lost, i figured it would eventually show up. Same for our remote. Zach loves to carry things around, so they could be anywhere. Also, if i happen to see him or Will with the camera, i take it away and stash it in some cupboard up high. Well, to make a long story short, we found the remote in some box stashed in the corner of our room, and we have yet to find the camera. I've looked in all the obvious places where i might have put it myself, taken apart the couch and looked in cracks and everything. I think we've resigned ourselves to the fact that it's really LOST! Or in this case...probably in at the dump having been removed from our house through the trash! Oh, Zach! These kids are costing me a fortune!


Becky said...

oh...but aren't they the cutest? That's what keeps me from throwing them out the window some days. (just kidding) Good luck finding your camera!

Amy said...

oh my!! That is funny rachelle. i can't believe you have to LOCK your trash can!!!

Camden said...

That is funny! Sorry about the camera! Tanner used to do that. We everntaully found all his 'stuff' stuffed into our sub woofer. Yep, there's a large hole in the side for amplification, I guess, and that where he would hide all his teasure. I totally remember watching a movie one night and hearing some vibration coming from the sub woofer. Kent stuck his hand in and hit the jackpot. i don't remember everything in there but there were a couple of spatulas I'd been looking for, a remote, a ball or two and a bunch of other stuff. Kids!

Todd and Lisa said...

I lose stuff all the time -seriously - almost evey day. Im so sorry! I know how it feels.
Ive been catching up on all of the Ralph kids blogs. Check our out when you want!