Friday, October 19, 2007

Growing Up

Here's our little Will heading to his first day of Pre-school. We were having difficulties getting him un-attached from Mommy. He wouldn't go to nursery at church, he wouldn't stay in the play center at the gym (without the big kids) and he wouldn't stay with babysitters, so I decided to add one more thing to the whole, and for some reason, it did the trick! We explained that he would now be going to pre-school because he was becoming a big boy and he'd be going to a school to help him learn and have fun like the big kids. I'm happy to say that he loved it from the first day, and he now goes to nursery, the gym and stays for babysitters without any fuss!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

CUTE!!! I love when you post because it comes in big chunks, so we get to see a lot of what you've been doing!!! I love the bed-head!!!! I agree, I think the curls are so cute!!