Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Maybe I SHOULD be a doctor???

So the other day I was getting the kids ready for bed and Spencer complains of a canker sore. (He seems to get them often.) Anyway, he decided to finally take me up on my offer to put some medicine on it. I get the Anbesol and numb it, then some mouth sore medicine for cankers (kind of like a liquid band aid) and put that on and he says, "Wow, I can't even feel it!" So after that, he says, do you think you could help me get the wax out of my ears? No offense to Spencer and I hope not to embarrass him (he'll never read this anyway) but his ears really do produce A LOT of wax. Sometimes at school the kids tease him and call him "Ear Wax Man"! Anyway, he is sensitive to it, so I try to help him keep his ears clean. As I was doing this, Spencer says, "Mom, you should be a doctor." I couldn't help but laugh! So I can numb a canker and clean out some wax...maybe I should be a doctor if that's all it takes! :)


Liz said...

go for it rachelle! with all your free time:) also, if it makes spencer feel any better you can tell him that travis has a problem with excess ear wax too! he survived!

Camie said...

Rachelle--you are wearing so many other 'hats' right now--why not add doctor to the list??

Katie and Eric said...

That is cute! Rachelle, you do seem to know a lot of quick remedies for kids. I think you should be a doctor, why not?

Alisa said...

that's cute!! Rachelle, one thing I notice in your family is that your kids trust you....that's something I observe when you guys are around. You have all these little ways of making sure they're set and of taking care of them and I see in them that they totally trust you! Maybe this is a random comment, but I mean it as a compliment! As I thought about Spencer coming to you, that's what I thought about.

Amy said...

Well, you'd certainly get paid a lot more if you were a doctor!! However i think they do more than numb canker sores and clean out wax. That is really cute! It's nice when you feel like your kids actually appreciate what you are doing for them - even if it is keeping their ears clean! Go Dr. Rachelle!!

Elizabeth said...

With all you do as a mother of five, I think you definitely qualify as a doctor! Nice work. I also second Alisa's comment!