Tuesday, March 31, 2009

February 2009 cont...

Spencer and his friends at the winter party at school

Will really wanted to play soccer. We tried to get him on a team with his friend, but it didn't work out. Will is so shy! He had a hard time meeting his new team and coach and wouldn't leave Brian's side during the warm-up before the game. Actually he wouldn't even play the first quarter. He was too afraid and scared. After the first quarter, the coach convinced him to go in and play. Then he got to do the kick-off and the rest is history. He was still shy at first, but once he got into it, he didn't want to quit. since this first day, Will has become the top scorer for their team and he can't wait for the next practice or game. Way to go Will!

i just thought this was a cute picture of my little boys reading on the couch. Aren't they cute?

Happy birthday to Brian! the big 35. WOW! I love you, honey.

1 comment:

KeriLyn and Matthew said...

I love Will playing soccer....how fun!!! And, i am always gald that Brian gets to those big b-days before me :)