Friday, October 17, 2008

MARCH 2008 - show and tell

First of all, a big hello to everyone who hasn't given up on me! Hopefully you have a flagger that notifies you of new posts and you are probably in shock to see one from my corner of the web. Be still your racing heart, it's not that exciting, but we have been busy. So, here's my attempt to show and tell a little of what has been happening in our family over the last 8 months...
I finally went out and bought a new camera. YEAH!! We (well, not us personally) redid the tile in our master bathroom which was a huge job, but it turned out really nice and we love the new look.

So, here's the bathroom before the shower glass was put in. I wish I could show you the "before" (pre-new camera time) but I can tell you that it was all white tile, so this definitely warms up the room, and it is beautiful! March also brought us some snow that barely touched the ground and was so icy that it wasn't much fun. It didn't stop Will from trying to make a snow angel. The frigid weather caused a water main to freeze and break, so we had a flood in our back yard for a few days until that was fixed. During the week of spring break, my mom came for a visit and to give me a hand with the kids while Brian earned our living! We took a day trip to the Natural Bridge Caverns near San Marcos, Texas. We had a great time touring through the caves and experiencing the world beneath the surface of the earth. Fascinating!

I had to duck pretty low in places to avoid hitting Zach's head on the ceiling!

Cami was with us, but for some reason, she wasn't in any pictures! Here she is at our ward Easter Picnic, and then we had fun coloring eggs at home.


KeriLyn and Matthew said...

Welcome back to the blogging world!!! I love your bathroom.....looks like a fancy retreat or something! The caverns look fun, too!

Becky said...

HOLY DINAH! You're back from the dead. Um...NICE bathroom. Sure you didn't steal that picture out of a magazine? - WOW!:)

Camie said...

Hey Rachelle! Great to have an update from you! I LOVE the colors and look of your bathroom--it's gorgeous. Great work! Keep the updates coming!

Elizabeth said...

Welcome back! I loved seeing all the pics and getting an update on your family. I'm glad you had a nice girls weekend and I love your bathroom!