Saturday, October 18, 2008

APRIL 2008 -

April started out with a terrible storm. The sky was greenish black and very eerie. I remember wondering if I should wake the kids (and Brian) and crouch under the stairs or something! I didn't know how they could sleep through this! The tornado sirens in Plano weren't sounding, so I figured we were safe enough. Lightening was close and would shake the house when it struck and the wind was rattling the windows. At one point, I was looking out the window and saw and felt the lightening so close, I thought it struck our back yard. Eventually it passed, and the damage the next morning was widespread. You couldn't drive a block without dodging trees in streets, fences down and roof shingles in your path. We were somewhat lucky. We lost half a tree in the back yard and our shed blew over with all the bikes inside. A few days later, the news reported that they think there was a series of small tornadoes that blew through.

Here's a little before and after. Will's always had the longer shaggy hair that is so cute, but we decided he needed it cut. Now he looks so much older and less like a ragamuffin. It is now easier to comb and bedhead isn't nearly as bad either.

April ended as Cami turned 9. We had a fun family party and celebrated with her. Brian and I gave her some extra money instead of throwing a party and she bought an iPod shuffle which has been attached to her ever since!

Swimming if fun no matter how cold it is! We warmed up the spa, but the kids got in the pool anyway. Here they are with some of their best friends.

Will also learned to ride a bike! We fixed up Spencer's old bike and added a new horn and put on training wheels and Will was set to go. He did great going with the wind...he likes to go fast!

1 comment:

Liz said...

yeah rachelle! so glad to have you back in the blogging world. thanks for the updates...keep them coming!