Friday, October 19, 2007

Classic Zach

This is classic Zach! This has been the sorry lot of my life for the past too many weeks! Please note that this cupboard even has the child lock on it! If a cupboard was left open or even if it wasn't, Zach found his way in it and completely emptied it! Maybe I'm getting older and less patient with things, maybe Zach is completely bored, or maybe it's just natural, but last night I stayed up late and added more child locks to every (almost) cupboard in our kitchen. Poor Zach...I've just taken away his play area! However, he did manage to find the ONE cupboard that didn't have a lock on it because I ran out. I had put a giant bag of flour in front of it, and Will had pushed it away to get something out, and never put it back, and before I knew it, Zach was dumping bowls all over the floor! I love this picture because it so perfectly captures his "innocent" expression. Too cute...if I do say so myself.


Camie said...

Rachelle-Clayton is in an 'empty every cupboard' phase also!! It's cute but it gets old picking up the same things EVERY day!! His favorite spot is our DVDs and movies!

Amy said...

Rachelle i can't believe he and Lucas are about the same age!!!! He is so cute. It does drive me crazy when they go through this stage because i'm constantly tripping over plastic lids or plates!!! Ughhhh!!