Zach just had his 4 month check up last week (he was really 4 1/2 months old) and he weighed in at 19.75 pounds! Whoa! What can I say? I knew he was really getting heavy, but come on...20 pounds!? I realize that he had a head start being 11.5 lbs. at birth, but really. I thought he'd slow down a bit. I just barely started trying to feed him rice cereal only because I thought I should, not because he seemed to need it. (Note the rolls in his arms.) Somehow my milk must be laced with lots of cream! :)
Zach is also getting 2 teeth on the bottom, so drools constantly and tries to chew on everything he manages to get in his mouth. He has learned to suck on his right pointer finger. Yes, that's not a typo. Somehow, he tucks his thumb under the other three finger and leaves the pointer finger out and sucks away! It's too cute. (Although, I have to say that this has been somewhat of a gagging hazzard...he spits up a lot more because he gags himself with his long finger!) Anyway, here's to our cute little "Tubbary".
i can't believe his is already 20 pounds!! holy cow, that is a big baby!! calvin is just barely 16 and we thought he was big!
Rachelle--I should probably have given clayton to you for a few days because I think I have skim milk! Clayton was only 18.5 pounds at his year check up! I'm really hoping he's 20 pounds by now. He's definitely going to be the runt of this group!
Wow!! I'm starting to think my children will follow Zach's patterns...Ryan was 11.6 pounds when he was born....Yikes!! Zach is so so cute!!
What a cutie!!! You just have to love all of those rolls. At least we get a good workout with our babies. Good luck carrying Zachary around.
I can't believe how big he is...Jackson is just 17 lbs and he is 9 months?! Crazy. The picture of Emma below this post is very cute.
ps...too bad we were so close but yet so far away last weekend...we talked about you guys on a few occassions and dropped hints of having "tons" of family in Texas...since that is what Texas schools like to hear. I guess we'll wait and see what happens.
I love how big this kid is!! He's adorable! How's your back feeling from carrying him around?
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